We have loaded a large percentage of our range onto our website. Please click on Cakes and Confectionery to view what is available online.
Select the item that interests you to view an enlarged picture and the price. If you are happy with your choice please submit your order after filling out the form next to the picture.
You will receive a reply which informs you that your order is viable and provide you with bank details for payment. You can then send us proof of payment and you will receive a confirmation form which is used for collection.
The earlier you order the better but we suggest at least three days before the event for something simple like vanilla cakes or small confectionery orders. Things like fruit cakes, carrot cakes and large confectionery orders may need advance notice depending on how busy we are.
Wedding cake orders should be done at least two weeks in advance and even more if your ceremony is on a long weekend or over Christmas or other busy holidays.
Having said that, if you are late or in need of an emergency cake we will do our best to help you. We generally have extra sponge and fruit with which we fulfil last minute orders.