Cake Order Notes,Terms and Conditions
- 20% cancellation fee will be charged on quoted price. However, once the baking process has begun no cancellations are possible.
- When ordering a Blackforest cake please note that there are 2 different types:
- Belem blackforest which is made of vanilla sponge and,
- German blackforest which is made of chocolate sponge.
- If you do not specify which type you would like, we will assume it to be Belem blackforest.
- Please remember to keep your fresh cream cakes in the fridge. We accept NO responsibility for cakes not kept in the fridge. Fresh cream cakes are only guaranteed for 24 hours after collection.
- Cakes are made according to the wording of your order. So please check that you are happy with what’s been written down before you sign the slip. Any instructions not indicated on the slip will not occur on the cake. Only discrepancies between what is WRITTEN on the order slip and what occurs on the cake will be altered free of charge.
- Fruit cakes are NOT guaranteed beyond the date of the celebration.
- If you would like a guaranteed cake you should specify as such. Then,
- You will be charged 35% extra, and
- Given a slip stating that you have a guaranteed cake.
- In this event, your cake is guaranteed for one year.
- All sample pictures are guidelines as to how the cake will look. As the bakers who make the cakes change (due to illness, leave etc) we cannot guarantee that the patterns and design will be exactly like the sample.
- No changes to the date and details of the cake will be made on the phone. You will have to come in once again with your slip if you want to make changes.
- Cakes collected on Saturdays must be returned by the Monday following the weekend if there is a complaint, otherwise, no responsibility will be accepted.
- Please note our trading times, no collection of cakes is possible outside of these times.
- Monday to Friday 07h00 – 17h45, Saturday 07h00 – 15h00. We are closed on Sundays and public holidays.
- Cakes not collected within 7 days will be sold to defray expenses. No refund will accrue to the customer.